Thursday, May 13, 2010


O boy am I big on respect....i believe you get ones respect from giving it to them and then you receive it i wrong? My little brother is 19 and I try to tell him he has to give respect to older people....he needs some help. He says I am not family nor does he ever consider me makes me feel shitty!!! I was in The Navy for over 3 years and has learned a whole lot in life. There is way more in life then what you have and what you know. I try to tell him be safe and do the right thing but he thinks its cool to just do dumb thins i won't mention what they are but let's just say he could possibly get hurt or even killed with what he does. The boy needs a good a** beat!!! He says he is planning on going to the Marines but I honestly don't think he will make it as bad as he is. You can't just sign up and leave you have to know what you are getting yourself into. You have to pass test, pass a physical plus much more. I wish I could do something but it just doesn't seem possible to help him. There has got to be something because if he doesn't have respect for himself he will go nowhere. :(

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